Traci Marlin
Drawing and colouring as a child gave Traci great comfort after relocating regularly and a long illness as a child. High school was her first encounter in the study of art and its principals, learning portraiture and the elements of fine art.This added the desire to future studies in art however this was not pursued until 20 years later. Traci attended a course in “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” by Betty Edwards at her local church developing perceptual skills and practising portraits and other subjects, reconnecting her to her almost forgotten love of art. Later she attended drawing course at the Brisbane Institute of Art, which helped her further develop her drawing diversity.
Traci has accomplished many commissions over the years for delighted clients, some of those boing portraits of loved ones and their pets. Recently Traci has dabbled with drawing from nature in subjects such as floral and fauna still experimenting with various mediums and a variety of techniques. “I have always loved flowers and plants with their brilliance and colour but I think I am almost ready to engage with portraits again”. Predominately Traci has use such mediums as graphite and charcoal in portraits but moved onto pastels and acrylics with other subject. “I am not sure I have found my style as yet, I am still exploring and trying new techniques”. Afternoon walks in her local area provide interesting subjects to be captured and contemplated resulting in colourful, fun and slightly hectic workspace.