Rachel Auton
Rachel Auton is a Visionary Artist.
Rachel’s work has been featured as a published book cover and several magazine covers. In 2016 Rachel has won a “Distinguished Artist Award” for hers works “ Conservation Goddess” and “Oceanic Goddess” and published during June 2016 in The Artascent Magazine under the theme of “Green”, she was also a finalist of “The Colours of Humanity” International Online Gallery with “Oceanic Goddess” being featured in their Water June 2016 Exhibition.
Rachel is a self-taught Artist and enjoys doing various workshops to experiment with techniques and gain new skills. Rachel says of her work “For me art is an expression and a celebration of my Spirituality. My artistic practice is themed around healing and a Universal spirituality.
My aspiration is to paint messages, visions and narratives that promote spiritual healing and growth. My two dimensional work is intended to be multi-sensory, vibrant, energetic, colourful and many times the paint is applied with my own fingers in order to help me connect on a deeper physical level with the creative process.”