Mandy Wildie
Mandy Wildie (Art by AJ) has been creating and selling artworks - both locally and internationally - since 2012. The ‘Butterfly series’ – acrylic on canvas – was her initial theme for a number of years until her (much loved) husband kindly (and bravely) suggested she might like to try ‘something else’.The advice given resulted in the ‘Raining Happy’ series (watercolour on paper): people/VW’s/frogs/phone booths/dogs - under umbrellas getting drenched by pots of rainbow coloured paint. In-between, there have been one-off paintings including: candles, roses, sunflowers and marbles. Regardless of the actual subject matter, Mandy’s works are all a tribute to vibrant colour and are intended to elicit a smile and sense of well-being. Her philosophy is simply that art is something people should invite into their homes because it resonates with them in a joyful way (as opposed to ‘matching the décor’). Currently, Mandy is working on capturing the beauty of the bridal bouquet.