Charlene Attwell Harvey
Born in Rhodesia, with Africa in her veins Charlene’s circumstances dictated that she venture into the new and equally extraordinary vista of a new land; Australia, where the sun shines and the lands are vast, she chose Queensland in which to finally settle. Creativity and empathy are deeply rooted in her genetics, whichis tempered by a stubborn and fierce fighting spirit. Art has always been lurking in her background with great artists scattered throughout her family, but it was only once she arrived in Australia that her brushes began whispering her name.Tentatively wading into unknown waters coincided with the discovery of the Art West Community Gallery and it was then that the bug truly bit, and she became obsessed with all things art.
Charlene’s primary passion is undoubtedly animals; both African and Australian captured in Oils on Canvas. The Ocean too has a strong pull and when Charlene recently discovered the exciting and beautiful medium of soft pastels and the freedom this new medium brings, she easily immersed herself into a parallel stream of creativity with oils on canvas and soft pastels.She revels in the chaos and colour in her studio and continues her journey with passion and purpose. Charlene would claim to be an artist who enjoys realism in her work but won’t rule out the absolute freedom of abstract works as she continues exploring the artistic horizons in her future.