Bernadette McConville
Bernatte McConville has painted for as long as she can remember .She still possesses some of her art that dates back forty odd years.. Her favourite medium is oils, loving the way it performs giving her time for movement and to blend and develop depth and colour. In between works in oil, she draws with pastels and paints in watercolour. Bernadette especially enjoys the softness that pastels bring to her work. - She always takes a pad and pastels on her travels.
For several years during the 80's watercolours became her medium of choice to the extent that she became a member of the Pretoria-based Water Colour Society in South Africa. She appreciated the transparency and cleanliness of the medium, but as always, a return to oils was inevitable.
Her subject matter varies, painting landscapes and animals, with a special fondness for still life. Bernadette has recently tried portraiture,with success. She finds having a wide range of subject matter challenges her creativity and develops and improves technique. She is always on the lookout for a new and exciting project for her easel.
You'll find her at @Artdaft - which just about sums her up.