$70 per year
For a single artist.
$95 per year
For 2 or more artists living at the same address.
Membership in Art West Community Gallery Includes:
A network of artists, artist support within the group, professional and skill development opportunities.
Art collaborative exhibitions, workshops, pop-up art galleries, and other approaches to installation.
Committee Meetings: exhibition planning and development, strategic initiatives and policy development.
Artist talks and media development and exposure through advertising.
A collaborative approach to exhibiting and enriching each member’s experience as an artist.
Advertising through various marketing media.
A local collective of artists from Brisbane coming together to showcase their works.
A professional art gallery to sell your works.
Exhibition fee will apply to the artist exhibiting only; commissions paid to Art West Community Gallery. Roster attendance for exhibiting artists.
Opening nights for exhibition showings.
Membership to Brisbane Visual Arts Community.
Members can join our Facebook group and connect with other members of the gallery.
Posting artists and works via our social media pages.
Exposure via our website, showcasing artist's biography and artworks.
As a member, you must be over 18, produce original artworks in either 2D or 3D categories and be prepared to cover roster duties in our professional art gallery where members offer their works for sale.
As a volunteer group, it is a requirement that exhibiting artists sign for roster duty during the exhibition. Hours to be covered for an exhibition by each artist will be specified by the roster coordinator.
All art entered for exhibitions must be the original work of the artist, not subject to copyright infringement. All prints require a Certificate of Authenticity stating Limited Edition or First Generation Print.
If this is your first time exhibiting then you will be coached through the submission process as we want to make it easy for you.
You will be sent a pro-rata invoice via email for payment before membership application is complete.
Full membership renewals occur on July 1st every year.
To apply, please fill out the form below
We look forward to welcoming you to our group.